The Planning Committee has met on one occasion since the last Executive with the following matters discussed an acted upon:-

In my absence committee members Roger Steel, Michael Blower, Mike Clements and Krish Kakkar can answer any questions.

Bourne Mill Community Recycling Centre

An email has been sent to our three County Councillors, David Munro, Pat Frost and Denise Le Gal commenting on the Surrey County Council’s consultation on Community Recycling Centres and expressing our views on the inadequacies of the Bourne Mill facility. We also raised our concerns over possible cut backs in staffing and/or finances.  We have asked to be kept informed on any cuts, improvements or preferable a purpose built alternative site.  David Munro has written to our Chairman thanking us for the sketches showing improvements to the Bourne Mill site but as this requires land outside SCC ownership it is likely to be a non-starter.

Recrafting Farnham

We have contacted Laith Anayi expressing the willingness of at least four of the committee   members to take part in the workshop in late January.

Demolition of Public Convenience, South Street

We have objected to the demolition of the toilet block in South Street (opposite the War    Memorial) on the grounds that the building has legitimate alternative use/s and we are suspicious that once demolished the site could be used as an access for heavy construction traffic for the Brightwells/East Street development creating major traffic problems.  It will also result in the removal of at least four quality trees that are part of the ASVI (Area of Strategic Visual Importance). It is ironic that this site is the start of Borelli Walk and it was Charles Borelli who, in the first half of the 20 century, did so much to protect the rich heritage of Farnham.  Now it could be that Waverley BC are to destroy this tribute to the great man.  I am sure you are all aware it was Charles Borelli and Harold Falkner that formed The Farnham Society in 1911.

Other Applications

We have objected to a second application to build a terrace of three houses at the former vehicle hire centre adjacent to the south side of Farnham Station.

We have commented on an application for nine houses on a commercial site within the Wrecclesham Conservation Area.  We were not opposing the proposals just the loss of employment and small affordable small workshops spaces.

Permission has been granted for one new house to the rear of Heroncourt accessed off Ford     Lane.  Although the local residents were against any new buildings this is the least harmful.

Work has commenced on the dwellings at the former car park at Bourne Mill Antiques Centre and at the Premier Inn Hotel/Beefeaters Restaurant opposite.

Peter Bridgeman

4 November 2015