Farnham Schools

Farnham is fortunate to have an excellent range of schools and educational facilities for all age groups, ranging from Pre-school to a specialist University.

It is the intention of The Farnham Society to develop stronger links with the sector and to generate interest in the issues of conservation and preserving the heritage of the town for all to enjoy. It is a topic that resonates ever more strongly with a younger demographic than the traditional membership base of The Society.

The Society’s concerns about the impact on the environment through continued traffic growth and the erosion of green spaces are topics of concern for future generations. We believe we should engage with our school communities to strengthen the overall voice about ensuring appropriate modern development so that we preserve the best of the old and ensure we create the best ‘new’ we can. The Farnham Society has a message and purpose relevant to all age groups and we look forward to developing this engagement over the years ahead. Click on the links below to visit the schools’ websites.

Shaping our future, protecting our heritage. Established 1911