How the Society is run

The Executive Committee

The committee meets monthly currently in the evenings, to manage the affairs of the Society from membership and finances to an annual programme of events. This main Committee is supported by a number of sub-committees. Two of these operate permanently,  the Planning Committee and the Heritage Open Days Committee, both of which have a particularly significant role in relation to the objectives of the Society. Other sub-committees are formed to manage a specific task, and operate for a finite period, for example the sub committee which designed and built this website.

Our Heritage Open Days activities are described on another page, click here to visit.

The Planning Committee reviews the often hundreds of planning applications that are made on an annual basis for building developments within Farnham. There is a particular focus on the most significant (often the largest) developments. The committee provides comments on these as appropriate and these comments might be observations in support of proposals or suggested amendments as well as significant objections to the plans. It takes into account other policy or guidance documents such as the agreed Local Neighbourhood Plan in making its comments.

This committee also represents the society in responding to public consultations or and, if required, attending public inquiries and planning appeals. Over the past year it has, for example, responded to the Government’s national consultation on new planning proposals and does so drawing on expertise from within the Society or elsewhere if required. Increasingly we are seen as a professional and non-political sounding board as new policy proposals either locally or nationally are being developed. It goes without saying that often this does not produce the outcome we may wish!

Why not get Involved and help us make a difference ?

There is always more we could do and we would welcome involvement from other members in running the Society and would be interested to hear from anyone who would like to get involved either on our Sub-Committees or as a participant on the Executive Committee. Why not send us an e mail on expressing your interest?

Shaping our future, protecting our heritage. Established 1911