Waverley Borough Council (WBC) has announced a public consultation on Part 2 of the new Local Plan, and is inviting your comments.
You may recall that the Local Plan Part 1, dealing with Strategic Policies and Sites, was adopted by the Council on 20 February 2018.
Part 2 deals with Site Allocations and Development Management Policies. It contains policies that will be used when making decisions on planning applications. It also allocates additional sites for housing in parts of the Borough, reviews the boundaries of our town centres and local landscape designations, and allocates sites for gypsy and traveller accommodation.
Parts 1 and 2 together will replace the Waverley Borough Local Plan (2002). Local Plan
WBC is now conducting a consultation on Part 2 before it is submitted to the Secretary of State next year for examination. Comments from residents are invited before the closing date of Friday 29 January 2021.
Local Plan Part 2 and other submission documents, including the representation form, can be viewed and downloaded via the Council’s website at www.waverley.gov.uk/LPP2
Hard copies of the documents are available for viewing by appointment only at the Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming, GU7 1HR, telephone 01483 523333.
Waverley will make alternative arrangements for residents who cannot view the documents online, and cannot travel to Godalming during the current pandemic. Contact WBC on 01483 523333 to discuss alternative arrangements.