The Planning Committee has met on two occasions since the last Executive with the following matters discussed and acted upon:-
Planning Applications
We have objected to the following:
Penny’s 88b West Street, extensions and alteration in the Conservation Area
Little Acres Nursery, Badshot Lea, 80 dwellings on agricultural land
Maybanks, 4 Tilford Road, replacement house
15 Crondall Lane, erection of detached house
102-104 Upper Hale Road, erection of two houses
Land East of Bridle Way, Crooksbury Road, erection of stable block, the third application this year for an unsuitable development
Pilgrims Way, 40 Crondall Lane, erection of three houses
We have made observations on the following:
39a Waverley Lane, extensions and alterations to provide a dwelling
2a Little Austins, extensions and alterations to a garage to form a dwelling
Garden Style Tree Nursery, Wrecclesham, detailed applications for 65 dwellings
We have supported the following
New Pavilion at Bourne Cricket Club
Spatial Strategy and the Local Plan
We are still investigating the implications of Waverley Spatial Strategy statement in particular the use of the brownfield site at Dunsfold Park. (It is interesting to note that an application for 1800 homes has been submitted at Dunsfold Park). It still appears Waverley are determined to locate more and more houses in Farnham.
Neighbourhood Plan
The next phase of the plan is still awaiting a statement from Natural England on SANGS. It is likely they will allow SANGS as part of any land to be developed subject to certain safeguards. We are co-operating with Farnahm TC with an exchange of objection letters.
Meeting with Planners and Co-operation
We are hoping to arrange for a meeting with Matthew Evans in the new year to discuss a range of topical planning issues. More later.
Update on Earlier Applications
Long Garden Walk
We objected to three applications to replace a modest 1930’s bungalow with a large house adjacent to the Conservation Area. The third application was granted consent, not that it was much better than the earlier schemes but perhaps the Committee were aware if it was refused again and then won on appeal there was the threat of ‘special measures’ where the functions of the Planning Authority are taken over by the Government.
Baker Oates Stables
This large (43 dwellings) greenfield site, twice refused by Waverley, was allowed on appeal contrary to all advice from Waverley, Farnham Town Council and many hundred of objections. This suggests no site is safe in Farnham, so much for ‘Localism’.
An application has been submitted and is awaiting validation by Waverley.
Peter Bridgeman
9 December 2015.