On Monday 3 December, Brenda Longman, Ray Murphy with Farnham Rep presented an evening of Christmas inspired entertainment.
The performance included exerpts from the following books
“The Age of Bewilderment” by David Sherrington,
“An Almost Perfect Christmas” by Nina Stibbe,
“Rebecca” by Daphne DuMaurier,
“Toast” by Nigel Slater,
“Recollections” by Gervase Phinn,
‘Le Bumper Book de Franglais’ by Miles Kington.
“Truce in the Trenches” by W.R.M. Percy and
“In Jamaica” Noel Cowerd
They read the following Poems
“Christmas Day” by John Betjeman,
“Ivan Who Shopped Online” Chris Addison,
Four poems by U.A.Fanthorpe’s book of “Christmas Poems”,
“Old Sam’s Christmas Pudding” by Marriott Edgar,
“Parson’s Lea” by Charles Causley,
“Christmas Thank Yous” by Mick Gowar,
“Night Before Christmas” by Harvey Erlich
“Christmas Roses and Mistletoe” by Reginald Arkle
And sang the following Songs
“A Christmas Carol” by Tom Lehrer
“Have yourself a Merry little Christmas” by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane