Surrey County Council (SCC) has launched the Community Projects Fund.

SCC announced a Medium-Term Financial Strategy in 2020/21, which included a five year capital programme in excess of £1bn.

£100m of this sum is allocated to Your Fund Surrey, to support the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector. The fund is to help communities to deliver big, place-changing projects that local areas need and that will improve opportunities and quality of life for residents.

To be eligible, projects must fit with the aims of Surrey’s Community Vision, and must have the support of the local community.

The funding can be only used for Capital, one-off costs, not to cover ongoing running and maintenance costs.

Think Big image
We now have the opportunity to propose projects in Farnham to take advantage of this funding.

Do you have ideas for projects which would benefit your local community? Sports facilities, a community centre, communal work space ?
Use this
link to access the SCC web page with more information:

The web page contains advice on how to develop your idea, and you can plot your Ideas on the interactive Commonplace map, to enable people to comment and add further suggestions.

Projects that meet the criteria and prove that they will deliver a positive benefit for local people will be taken through an application process and the first funding will be administered in Spring 2021.