In the judgement from the preliminary hearing on 31 January, Mr Justice Dove ruled that the five claimants did not have the necessary standing to take Waverley Borough Council (WBC) to Judicial Review over management of the East Street / Brightwells development contract.
His reasoning was that a retendering of the scheme would not result in a development different to that currently proposed.
Click here to see full judgement
WBC stated at the meeting in May 2016 that it was for the courts to decide upon the legality of the changes which they made to the development contract. WBC have prevented the courts from judging whether they have acted lawfully.
Is there an online fund raiser to cover the legal expenses of these brave, unselfish people?
If not, why not?
A fund raising campaign ran from mid 2016, to ensure that sufficient funds were in place to support the legal action, and to protect the five individual claimants. There was an online appeal via this website, alongside leafleting and crowd funding initiatives. Thanks to the generosity of many local (and not so local) people, a substantial sum was raised. Fund raising has now been suspended while legal costs to date are being settled.