The Covid-19 pandemic prevented us from offering the traditional range of activities – visits to historic buildings and private houses, walks and talks. So our celebration of Heritage Open Days had a new look this year. September saw the launch of a new survey of public green spaces in and around the town, presented as self conducted tours. On offer is a collection of 38 fascinating guides to Farnham’s Green Spaces, assembled and recorded by retired tree expert Peter Bridgeman, well known for his talks and guided walks. We feature parks, gardens and recreation grounds in and around the town. Some will be quite familiar but others much less well known.


The guides are presented in a set of two leaflets. One lists spaces within the town, the other describes those in outlying areas.  They are available now from the Council Offices in South Street, Farnham Library and other locations on the town, and are also online here – click the links below to download as PDFs.

Green spaces in town centre

Green spaces in surrounding area

The tours are not just for the Heritage Open Days weekend. The green spaces which we describe are generally open to the public. With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing, we face restrictions on private gatherings, but there is still the possibility of meeting in public places. The tours are an ideal way to get out and about, take exercise and enjoy the fresh air. The leaflets continue to be available from the Farnham Town Council offices – look for them outside the doors if the offices are closed. And they are available online, through the links above.

Farnham’s Heritage open Days has its own Facebook page.
