Waverley Local Plan
This document is part of the continually evolving evidence base of the new Waverley Borough Local Plan. It provides updated information on the infrastructure that will be necessary to deliver the policies and proposals of the Local Plan, and specifically in relation to the consultation exercise on potential housing scenarios.
For the purposes of the new Local Plan, infrastructure comprises:
- Transport: road network, bus, cycling and walking infrastructure, rail, parking
- Education: primary and secondary education, further and higher education, nursery schools and other early years provision
- Health: acute care and general hospitals, mental hospitals, health centres, ambulance services and social care
- Social and community infrastructure: supported accommodation, social and community facilities, sports centres, open spaces, parks and play space
- Public services: waste management and disposal, libraries, cemeteries, emergency services (police, fire, ambulance), places of worship, prisons, drug treatment centres
- Utility services: gas supply, electricity supply, heat supply, water supply, wastewater treatment, telecommunications infrastructure
- Flood risk management
- Green infrastructure: parks and gardens, natural and semi-natural urban greenspaces, green corridors, outdoor sports facilities, amenity greenspace, provision for children and young people, allotments, cemeteries and churchyards, accessible countryside in urban fringe areas, river and canal corridors, green roofs and walls.
The responses of the infrastructure suppliers to Waverley can be seen at link
Draft Neighbourhood Plan
A main purpose of this draft Neighbourhood Plan is to ensure any new development is
supported by adequate infrastructure development. This consultation draft plan will be
discussed in detail with the following infrastructure providers to test whether proposed
development can be supported by sufficient infrastructure to ensure the quality of life of
existing and future residents:
- Surrey County Council in respect of the local schools and transport network
- South East Water in respect of water supply
- Thames Water in relation to waste water treatment
- Natural England in respect of SANG
- Waverley Borough Council in respect of recreation (including the swimming pool) and
- open space provision
Future development in and outside Farnham has the potential to exacerbate existing
infrastructure issues and these will need to be reassurance that these can be resolved
before the development options included in the draft Neighbourhood Plan could be