The Planning Committee has met on two occasions since the last Executive Committee meeting with the following matters discussed and acted upon:
- Application List
We have objected to the following applications:
WA/2104/1603 Additional temporary car park at the Brightwells site, (since approved).
WA/2014/1926 Listed Building Consent to demolish the Redgrave Theatre and convert Brightwell House to two restaurants and other work. Plus 320 other objections.
WA/2014/1939 Moor Park House, application to vary 106 agreement
WA/2014/1957 Bindon House, South of Monkton Lane, greenfield application for 61 dwellings
WA/2014/2028 Baker Oates Stables, Gardeners Hill Road, greenfield application for 43 dwellings
WA/2014/2140 Green End Cottage, Manley Bridge Road, second application for infill development of one additional house
WA/2014/2119 Farnham College, second application for 14 dwellngs
We are also considering objections for:
WA/2014/2090 Rear of 65 Badshot Lea Road, storage to residential
WA/2014/2113 Land west of St Georges Road, (Tices Field) greenfield application for 71 dwellings.
Please also note: Heroncourt, 39 Ford Lane, two house infill, refused.
Cranleigh have two greenfield applications totalling over 500 homes.
Evitavonni to become Poundland and The Gorge, Woolmead to move to the Royal Deer.
We are planning to support an application for a modern replacement house at Heath Hill, Upper Hale, which may even be a contender for an Amenity Award!
- Resident Associations’ Meeting
Roger Steel, Andy Macleod and I presented papers and I can attach a current list of actual applications and anticipated applications on greenfield sites in Farnham and a list of Jargon Busting. I will separately forward the four papers prepared and presented by Andy Macleod.
- Local Plan Consultations Making Waves Winter 2014 edition
We have written to WBC expressing our concerns over the unbalanced reporting of the Consultation with no reference to the huge support in favour of maximising the use of the brownfield Dunsfold Park site thereby reducing the need for developing on greenfield sites. Although Farnham and Cranleigh are to burden the greatest share of the housing there was no reference to either town. We questioned why the delay in publishing the facts until the next edition in the spring.
- Neighbourhood Plan
Farnham Town Council have received over 500 (as at 4 December) responses to their questionnaire despite some problems with the on-line system. If you have not completed your questionnaire please do so by 15 December. They would like 1000 plus returns.
5, Pre-Application Exhibitions and Consultations
There have been two pre-applications exhibits promoting residential developments. The first at Harts Yard, off West Street, for 13 dwellings and the second at the Dairy site in Weydon Lane for 15 homes. Both look worthy of our support. It is important to reserve what is of left of the Farnham Park SANG for these suitable brownfield sites. We have also been asked to look at a Pre-Application Design Statement for a new property at 16 Old Church Lane. We welcome these pre-application discussions.
Peter Bridgeman
5 December 2014