The Swing Riots in Surrey, 1830
Evening talk. St Joans' Centre, Tilford Road. Friday 18 October, 19:30 for 20:00
Evening talk. St Joans' Centre, Tilford Road. Friday 18 October, 19:30 for 20:00
On Monday 3 December, Brenda Longman, Ray Murphy with Farnham Rep [...]
Campaign and petition to reduce VAT on work to listed buildings.
See our film A Brighter Future for Farnham? on Youtube
A few months ago we were asked by Jeremy Hunt MP, to join a working party, with local councillors and architects, to formulate a view on how the centre of Farnham should be made more attractive.
Surrey County Councillor Edward Hawkins (Surrey Heath), supported by Wrecclesham [...]
Preparatory works for the Brightwells Development include forming an access from the A31 east bound carriageway which involves closing of the inside east bound lane for 12 to 14 weeks.
Michael Blower, Vice-President, and Alan Gavaghan, Chairman, presented Awards for two projects on Wednesday evening, June 20, in the Museum’s Garden Gallery.
Esso have announced that their preferred route for the pipeline will not run through Farnham.