Most recent meeting

The Farnham Society’s biannual meeting with Residents’ Associations took place at South Farnham School on Tuesday 14 May 2015.

A summary of the meeting will be published shortly.


Previous meeting

Wednesday 26 November 2014, St Joan’s Centre

  • Alan Gavaghan, Society Chairman, gave an overview of the Society’s activities in 2014
  • Andy MacLeod,  Vice-Chairman, presented past planning figures and possible future numbers
  • Peter Bridgeman  Planning Committee Chairman presented significant new planning applications and potential applications
  • Councillor Roger Steel gave an update on Farnham Neighbourhood Plan, Waverley Local Plan & SANGS issues

A lively discussion followed on the threats to the future of Farnham which would arise from over development. A strong request was made from the floor, that The Farnham Society should write a letter with the backing of all those present, to the appropriate Minister and individuals, drawing attention to the impending development disaster which is about to be visited upon the Farnham area.

Following the meeting Alan Gavaghan wrote to  the Residents’ Associations

“It would be helpful if you would put forward your own criticisms and fears of the consequences should the existing policies be pursued and an outline of alternatives which should be considered.

Please feel free to put forward as many suggestions and points of view as possible and we will then analyse the various responses we receive and put together a coherent overview which would be circulated in draft form for final editing.

It was encouraging that there was such a strong response from all those attending the meeting last night and undoubtedly the worrying statistics we supplied has focused all Residents’ Associations on the threats to all of us living in this lovely part of Surrey.”