South Farnham Residents’ Association have made the following appeal.
Wates Developments have applied to build 157 houses on the fields at the top of Waverley Lane, cleverly submitting three separate planning applications at once to baffle and confuse the people of Farnham.
WA/2015/0771 for 157 houses on both fields
WA/2015/0894 for 98 houses on the field near Old Compton Lane.
WA/2015/0895 for 59 houses on the field near Abbots Ride.
They are planning spaces for 347 cars on this site, which will put a huge burden on Waverley Lane and onto the queues at the level crossing. Therefore this development would affect anyone in Farnham who uses the railway station.
Please would you object to all three planning applications. The closing date is the 12th June.
Reasons for objection are similar for all three: –
***An unsustainable location for housing – too far away from the town (1.75km), too far away from any local shops (1.3km), too far away from the railway station (1.25km). It is in effect a village separate from the town – but with no facilities provided.
***Congestion at level crossing due to get worse. No solutions offered by developer to increase road capacity or solve the blockage of the crossing barrier. This means making already illegal air pollution levels even worse – not good for health, both for us and local schoolchildren.
***Unacceptable adverse impact on the character of the area – high density housing (34 dwellings per hectare); speed markings on the road, flashing speed signs near site; complete removal of 62m of hedging , cutting back of further 125 metres – this includes Ancient hedgerow, irreplaceable.
***The fields are rated ” high landscape value” and “high landscape sensitivity” by Waverley’s Landscape consultant. They provide the setting for the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Beauty right next to it; fields are bordered by Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees (very rare in England and protected by national planning policy)
***Site considered “Not suitable ” in Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.
***This is the countryside!! – it is against Waverley’s own policy (Policy C2) to build in it – and National Planning Policy says the countryside must be recognised “for its intrinsic character and beauty” – this is a CORE PLANNING PRINCIPLE !
Via the Waverley – follow the planning prompts to reach the THREE reference numbers above, and fire away (copying and pasting your comments will be fine). Alternatively, write to The Planning Department, Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR. Please remember to quote all three reference numbers.
Many thanks for all your support.