Heritage Open Days 2024 ran from Friday 6 to Sunday 15 September with a full programme of talks, walks and visits to reflect the year’s theme of Routes, Connections and Networks.
Full details were listed in our brochure.
Four Hundred Years of Striking Bells with Hammers, by Roy Attwood
Friday 6 September, 2 pm, St Andrew’s Church
Town Crying – Yesterday and Today by Farnham Town Crier Michael Stephens
Saturday 7 September 10:30 am, Council Chamber, Farnham Town Hall
Heavy Traffic, by Noel Moss
Tuesday 10 September, 10 am, Barley Room, Farnham Maltings
Castle and Connections, by Roy Waight
Tuesday 10 September, 11:30 am, Barley Room, Farnham Maltings
Plant Hunters, by Peter Bridgeman
Wednesday 11 September, 10 am, Barley Room, Farnham Maltings
The Architecture of Castle Street, by Michael Blower MBE
Wednesday 11 September, 11:30 am, Barley Room, Farnham Maltings
Jewels of the Tower, by Roy Attwood
Wednesday 11 September, 2 pm, St Andrew’s Church
William Cobbett and Rural Rides, by Richard Thomas
Friday 13 September, 2 pm, St Thomas on the Bourne Church
The Lion and Lamb, by Max Lyons
Friday 13 September, 4 pm, St Thomas on the Bourne Church
Saturday 7 September, 11 am and 2:30 pm. No need to book.
Bourne Green to Waverley Abbey
Sunday 8 September at 10 am
Courtyards and Passages of Farnham
Monday 9 September at 10 am
Thursday 12 September 10 am
The Rise and Fall of Waverley Abbey
Sunday 15 September, 10 am and 11.30 am
Sunday 15 September, 10:30 am
Open every day, 9 am to 4 pm.
Guided tours Saturdays 7 and 14 September at 2 pm, Sundays 8 and 15 September at 11 am and 2pm.
Bush Hotel, South Street
Friday 6 and Monday 9 to Thursday 12 September, 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday 8 and Sunday 15 September, 1 pm to 5 pm
Access: steps in the entrance hall, but level access at the rear via the garden
Guitar Village, 80-82 West Street
Monday to Saturday, open all day
Access: there are steps within the building and steep stairs to the first floor.
Friday 6th to Saturday 14th September, 7 am to 6 pm
Sunday 15th September, 8 am to 5 pm
Friday 6th to Sunday 15th September, 9am to 12 noon, 3 pm to 5 pm.
University for the Creative Arts.
Guided tours Friday 6 September at 10 am and 2pm.
Friday 6, Saturday 7 and Saturday 14 September, 10:30 am to 5 pm.
Artist Susie Lidstone will be working on a painting portraying the Georgian architecture of Farnham.
Saturday 7 September, 10 am – 3 pm
Access: uneven floor in barn, otherwise accessible.
Saturday 7 September, 10 am to 4 pm
Saturday 7 September, 10:30 am and 1:30 pm.
Saturday 7th and Saturday 14th September, 10 am to 1 pm
Saturday 7th and Friday 13th September, 11 am.
West Street Chapel, West Street Cemetery
Sunday 8, Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 September, 10 am to 3 pm
Access: two steps into the building.
The Old Cottage, 11 Bridge Square
Sunday 8th and Sunday 15th September, 11 am, 12 noon and 2 pm
Guided tours Tuesday 10 September at 11 am and Thursday 12 at 2 pm.
84 West Street
Thursday 12 September, 12 to 3 pm
Access: stairs within the building.
Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September, conducted tours at 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm
Access: steep open ladders in the mill workings.
42 Castle Street
Saturday 14 September 10 am to 4 pm
Access: there are high steps to the front door.
Saturday 14 September 10 am to 4 pm.
Saturday 14 September 10 am to 4 pm.
Saturday 14 September 3 pm and 4 pm.
The Kiln / Village Hall, Badshot Lea.
Sunday 15 September 10 am to 4 pm.