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You are doing the people do Farnham a massive disservice. Can you not see the mess the town is in because of your continual challenges to this development.
Other towns in the area have moved forward and overtaken Farnham.
The much needed redevelopment has been delayed for many years, but this is not because of objections from local people. It is due to the inability of the developer, Crest Nicholson, to get financial backing for their scheme. The City will not touch it with a bargepole. Instead of demanding a redesign, to achieve a sustainable development, Waverley have given away public land and assets to the developer, and poured public (i.e. OUR) money into the scheme, to enable the developer to maximise their profits. Let us have a sustainable development instead of using our taxes to bail out a developer.
I doubt that the current planning mess is as a result of challenges. It’s because it was a bad plan at the outset which has been chopped and changed over the years to the extent that it is now irrelevant. And little to do with regenerating East Street.