Farnham Speakers’ Festival took place from 22nd – 25th October 2015 and brought some of the most interesting presenters in the UK to The Maltings in Farnham. Amongst others, Stanley Johnson – father of Boris and former MEP, recouneds the key moments of his personal and political life; Tony Little, Headmaster of Eton, gave his controversial views on education in the UK today; and former Minister for Europe, Denis McShane, looked at Britain’s fraught relationship with Europe and how a ‘Brexit’ becomes ever more likely. Stephen Green, former Minister for Trade and Investment, considered what European identity might mean and celebrated writer, Harry Mount, of the Telegraph told us of his Greek Odyssey. Jonathan Fenby, former Editor of the Observer and of the South China Morning Post, spoke on the history of France and contemporary China and the leading historian Philip Mansel gave an account of the courts of Napoleon. Kwasi Kwarteng, Conservative MP for Spelthorne discussed the history of the relationship between War and Gold and James Bartholomew discussed his solutions for the welfare state. Finally, conservative philosopher Roger Scruton discussed Eastern Europe with Fiona Rintoul. For more information, please go to our website http://www.farnhamspeakersfestival.com/index.html