Farnham Census Figures

These figures  were presented at the Farnham Society Residents Associations Meeting at the St Joan’s Centre on 26 November

They show that in the ten years between the 2001 and the 2011 censuses the population of Farnham, the number of vehicles in households and the number of school age children all rose faster than the number of dwellings.

The figures under S1 to S4 show the projected outcomes of Waverley’s four scenarios that they used for their public consultation exercise.


  2001 2011 increase %
Dwellings 15,769 16,613 844 5.4%
Population 37,055 39,488 2,433 6.5%
Cars/Vans 22,680 24,852 2,172 9.5%
Aged 5-17 5,628  (15.2%) 6,412 (16.2%) 784 13.9%
People/dwelling 2.35 2.38
C&V/dwelling 1.44 1.50
5-17/dwelling 0.36 0.39


S1 S2 S3 S4
Dwellings 20,558 19358 18858 18558
Population (x2.4) 49,339 46,531 45,259 44,539
Cars/Vans (x1.6) 32,893 30,973 30,173 29,693
Aged 5-17 (17%) 8,388 7,910 7,694 7,572