Membership of The Farnham Society
Being a member of The Farnham Society helps you raise concerns on the future of the town and allows you to be informed about issues which affect you and your family. The more members we have, the louder our voice can be, and the better our ability to influence the many crucial issues affecting Farnham. These issues include; over-development, traffic management and air pollution.
Now that Covid-19 pandemic restrictions are relaxed, we are reinstating our evening lectures and daytime social events.
To join, please fill in the form below, click SUBMIT, the proceed to the payment section.
Payment options
Please select one of the payment options below.
You can join, paying either by BACS transfer or by PayPal for the current year, or by setting up a continuing yearly payment through PayPal.
If you wish to pay by BACS transfer our account details are
Lloyds Bank: The Farnham Society, Account no. 00119575, Sort Code 30-93-20
To pay by PayPal, use one of the PayPal buttons at the bottom of the page.