Our programme of live events for May 2024
Farnham in May
We are presenting a series of four events during May 2024.
Please note that booking is essential for the Greyfriars wine tasting, please book online using the form below.
Enquiries to our Social Secretary on 1socsec.fsoc@gmail.com
7 May Spring Coffee Morning at the Bush Hotel
The event was well attended and had a vibrant atmosphere.
It gave members, both new and long standing, a chance to meet the committee and fellow members
17 May Hosted by The Farnham Society
Lecture by Roy Waight, Trustee of Farnham Public Art Trust
‘Public Art in Farnham’
Farnham Memorial Hall, 7:30 pm
24 May Introducing our new President
Rt RevDr Christopher Herbert will be in conversation with our new Chairman, Richard Hunt.
St Andrew’s Church, 7:30 pm
29 May Wine tasting at Greyfriars Vineyard
Booking essential, please complete form below.